Richard Carter (Patron)

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Richard Carter.  He departed this world in February 2022 aged 78 years.

Richard was an institution in his own right.  He was a Chartered Company Secretary with an almost infinite knowledge of business and its foibles.  A quiet man of humility to whom almost any problem could be addressed and resolved.  He was a friend to me for approx.60 years and when I mentioned my intention to inaugurate TTS in 1999 he immediately offered encouragement, guidance, sound advice, assistance and unfailing support (including financial) which continued unabated until his demise this year.

He was instrumental in guiding TTS toward its endeavour  – that of defining a leadership pathway in a profession previously devoid of high academic standing. This objective is being met but the development will continue ad infinitum. 

Richard Carter was a backbone of TTS which during its early years could have failed.  He will be greatly missed. His memory will be enshrined in some way yet to be decided.


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